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Glazed Purple Stripe Garlic

Glazed Purple Stripe Group
Late Season| Medium Storing | 6-12 cloves

The Dazzler: Has an easy-peeling glossy sheen of silver and gold ... it's a real head-turner

Glazed Purple Stripe garlic grows best in cold climates with cold winters. It is known for its cloves that appear to have a sheen of purple, bronze, silver and a hint of gold colours on a silvery coloured bulb wrapper. It grows best in a
cool to cold winter climate​.

The garlic is a strongly-bolting hardneck type meaning it sends up a flower scape with a solid stem which is not braidable. This garlic is considered to be great for baking as its flavour holds up after cooking, has a medium heat and an earthy flavour.


Clove & Bulb Appearance
The bulb shape 
is normally round and squat. This type generally has a cream colour with a purple dapple or silvery wrapper (skin) containing between 6-12 cloves. The bulbs have a single layer of cloves.

Generally all cloves of a standard size bulb are of a size suitable for planting. The elongated cloves are normally a good size with a wedge like appearance. The clove skin has a sheen of purple, bronze, silver and a hint of gold colour, and are easy-peeling.

This easy-peeling chacteristic makes them ideal in the kitchen and have a earthy garlic flavour. They have a medium storage life of around 6-7 months after harvest.

his hardneck garlic sends out a scape (flower stalk) particularly in colder climates. They typically produce a large amount (100-150) of small cream to pink coloured bulbils.

Glazed Purple Stripe Garlic

Leaves & Scapes
 purple stripe garlic have wide upright green leaves. Scapes normally form a 3/4 to a full loop with a narrow green umbel with a hint of purple blush.

Glazed Purple Stripe Garlic
Glazed Purple Stripe Garlic
Glazed Purple Stripe Garlic
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