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Turban Garlic

Turban Garlic Group
Early Season| Short Storing | 6-12 cloves

The Earlybird: Likes to arrive early at the garden party and prefers to be eaten first

Turban garlic's name comes from the shape of the umbel which looks like squat Turban head covering. This garlic is often the first type to be harvested. It is a semi-bolting hardneck garlic which grows best in warmer climates with mild winters. It often has two pink triangles on it's false stem. This garlic group produces several cloves per bulb and has a strong purple stripe colour with a blotchy bulb wrapper. It grows best in a mild winter climate.

As a semi-bolting hardneck type it generally sends up a flower scape with a relatively solid stem which is not braidable. This garlic might not produce scapes when grown in warmer climates if not vernalised. The garlic has a medium heat and a simple earthy taste and is the best garlic to be used raw in dressings or rubbed into salads.


Clove & Bulb Appearance
The bulb is normally a flat globe shape, general
ly has a purple stripe with blotched wrapper (skin) containing between 6-12 cloves. The bulbs have a single layer of cloves.

Generally all cloves in a standard size bulb are of a size suitable for planting. The clove skin is a tan or cream colour.

The cloves are very distinctive being typically squat, blunt tip and fat shaped like no other garlic. They also have short clove tips.  They have the shortest storage life of any garlic at around 4-5 months after harvest.

Turbans are a hardneck garlic which generally sends out a scape (flower stalk) particularly in colder climates. They normally produce 30-100 medium sized cream to light pink coloured bulbils that have a wide tear drop shape.

Turban Garlic

Leaves & Scapes
Turbans have a wide floppy leaf. The leaf colour has is pale green. Scapes tend to form a downward 'U' shape, with the umbel having a medium green and long purple blush.

Turban Garlic
Turban Garlic
Turban Garlic
Turban Garlic
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silverskin garlic
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